
Lisa Boothe has been a journalist, strategist, and political analyst for the past 30 years. Lisa Boothe has been a frequent guest anchor on the Fox news channel, Fox Business, as well as CNN. Lisa is well-known for her contributions to content to Washington Examiner. Lisa's savvy political knowledge and expertise has gained her the trust of many viewers. Lisa worked with Fortune 500 firms and analysed the political crises before her joining FNC. Lisa was well-known in the American political media because of her many talents. Lisa was able to gain fame fast and is now averaging over one hundred thousand fans on Twitter and Facebook. Boothe is, in addition to working as a journalist at the Washington Post as well as NBC News, is the president and co-founder of a small business that is a specialist in communications for political and public relations.

Lisa-Boothe Lisa-Boothe Lisa-Boothe Lisa-Boothe Lisa-Boothe


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